Hookay so to get straight to the point..... I'M BORED... B..O..R..E..D.... BORED!!!!! Things have been pretty slow lately. Miss E and myself rarely get to the chance to see each other anymore let alone reek havoc on the world. But we are getting together very soon for some extra special excitement.... all I have to say is four words.... THE....JOEL..PLASKETT... EMERGENCY!!! That's right we're going to see Joel.. and it's about time. I haven't seen Joel play since way before I went to BC, and neither has Miss E. So I'm super pumped!! and as an added bonus Miss E apparently has a deviant plan in mind for a perfect after concert wined down... or up really because deviousness always makes me hyper!! I don't know what the plan is, she's keeping it pretty hush hush.... I'll get the details when I go up to see her. Here's what I know about it though, which isn't very much but here it goes....she said it was a really awesome deviant act....that we'd have to talk each other into it (which usually only happens with the really good ones)... that it would probably send us to hell ( which is also sign that it's gonna be a good one)... that's really all I know. I'll make sure that we write a blog about it anyway. It's been a long time since we had a really deviant blog!
On another note aside from deviousness.... The rest of the summer looks pretty good for me music wise..... Joel, and that same weekend I'm pretty sure I'm shooting for the Jubilee too, so more concert fun! The only shitty thing about that is that the only band I really want to see at this year Jubilee is The Trews but they play the same night as Joel does in Dartmouth. Oh well it sucks but Joel always comes first musically for me...... ok then it's onto Slowcoaster and SLOAN!!! in pei the weekend after that. I'm super pumped for that!!!! Hopefully Miss E can make it to that show with me! Then the weekend after Sloan I'm heading back to pei to see Sarah Harmer and Serena Ryder. Sure I don't know how I'm going to pay for all this trips to pei and back, but I don't care.. when it comes to music and seeing my favorite live bands money doesn't matter....it's all about the music with me. I'm excited to take Andrew to see Sarah Harmer, he likes her music, and has only been to one... yes one..... concert... that wasn't a local bands thing or that he was playing in. All he's been to is to see Sam Roberts...... well he picked the right girlfriend because I love LOVE going to concerts so he'll get to experience all that. Oh I'm taking him to see Joel too... it's going to be me, Miss E, Andrew and Chris...... I have the strangest feeling that it's a good thing the guys are coming with us, we do need Adult Supervision after all!! And I'm sure whatever Miss E has cooked up would be a lot worse if we weren't bringing them. We do have a lot of pint up deviousness that is just itching to get out. Oh I just thought of a good deviant act to do to someone......... I must consult my deviant partner about it!!
Later Days
Miss H
.......wah that looks awesome.......what does?.... it looks like the door is breathing...... i think i might be stone.........
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We Shot The Band....... It's kind of like we shot the sheriff but only if he played guitar and rocked out on stage!

Hookay So..... Miss E and myself had our first gallery show this past weekend. We showed off some of our best music related photos to introduce our new business....... *drum roll*........ "introducing foto deviants Photography" *huge round of applause from all of our adoring fans* lmao.
Anyway our show turned out to go really well. Mind you pretty much all of the musicians I invited didn't show.... bastards!! oh well I collected all of the MacFarlanes, which makes it all better..... Yay! for the MacFarlaneanios!!
And of course no gallery show featuring music photos is complete without a round of karaoke.... Miss E, Chris and myself did our radiation of Hey Jude.... after the crowd had left the building of course.
~Miss H
That was the best one liner ever!!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
New Blog.... Time For Some Updates......
Hookay So.... To make a very long story short CMW was awesome! I had fun, it all work out, Max and yes Grant Rock! I met Barry's nephew but never got o meet Mr MacNaughtan....... *sigh* ....... But it's ok I have my very own Andrew now. Muh ha ha!
Miss E and I are getting ready to have a "Rockin" gallery show!! YAY!!
So right now I'm hangin out in Pei with my friend Candace, making all kinds of insane videos of our adventures here. In just a few moments we'll be heading off to the greatest place in the whole world...... Formosa!!!! ummmm FORMOSA!!!!
Later Days,
Miss H
......I love Moments.... they make the popsickles pink....
Miss E and I are getting ready to have a "Rockin" gallery show!! YAY!!
So right now I'm hangin out in Pei with my friend Candace, making all kinds of insane videos of our adventures here. In just a few moments we'll be heading off to the greatest place in the whole world...... Formosa!!!! ummmm FORMOSA!!!!
Later Days,
Miss H
......I love Moments.... they make the popsickles pink....
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
CMW Day One: Part Four: The End Of The Day Ramblings
The day ended quite well.... Grant, Max, Barry and I went out to eat.... it turned out to be tons of fun! Max is really cool! Barry is very determined to fix up my Macbook to meet his standards. He wanted to give me CS3 but I don't have enough free space so he went off on this kick about how I need a new hard drive and how he was gonna do it up for me! Oh Barry! Anyway it was super fun hanging out with Grant, he took me around to various locations to show me some cool architecture. Union Station has some amazing architecture. I'd love to do a shoot in there. So at the restaurant we had the craziest waiter, he was really nice though. I loved the fact that when Grant was sarcastic to him, as he tends to be with waiters, he just came back with the wittiest responses... It was awesome! 10 Bonus points to that waiter! We ate that the spaghetti factory and I swear the place looked like Mary Poppin's carpet bag blew up.. it was super creepy... there was even old carousel horses..... CREEPY!!
OH OH!! So when we were eating Grant was like oh we should have set it up so you could have met Andrew MacNaughtan... bastard!! I wanna meet Andrew.. He's so amazing! Anyway Grant said to bug Barry about it because he knows him.... you're damn right I'm buggin him about it.. how often am I ever going to come to Toronto plus it's effin Andrew MacNaughtan... he's one of the reasons I started concentrating on music photography! I'm such a loser... come on I have to freak out about at least one person and every music event, it wouldn't be right if I didn't! I just get excited because I think these people are very talented, not because of who they are, just so we're clear on that. I'm not some crazy screaming girl! Hookay so, now that I've no doubtitly rambled on about that long enough in my exhausted state...on a lighter note, I see that Andrew has changed his website..... well sort of, he pretty much just changed the background, but it's easier to look at then the other one he had up. Andrew is so awesome!
Right now I'm sitting alone in my hotel room by myself of course, it's not a bad room, it's actually quite nice, but it is kind of boring. Honestly I'm kind of lonely though, I have no one to rant on and on about stuff with. No one to go on about the days events with, no one to laugh with and come up with funny one liners with.... honestly without someone to feed off of I can't come up with any funny lines for the ending of my blogs..... Damn it!!
I should be off to bed now I guess it's 11:00 pm, an early day for most music events, but I have to get up at 6:30 am so I can meet up with Max and Grant at the Royal York tomorrow by 8:00am.... OUCH! What really gets me is how event weeks or weekends like these always start so early when you know that they don't end till late, or should I say early in the morning to be more exact, because everyone's out partying it up...... man the people who organize these events are stupid.. or they delight in torturing others and in turn themselves... I'm going with number two on this one. Or maybe when their planning it all out they're like " oh well this year will be different I won't drink, and partying all night, so it'll be ok to start things early", but alas it never works out that way does it.... good thing I don't drink.... Eryn and I wouldn't make it one day if we drank and partied at the ECMAs, no effin way in hell!
~Miss H
....... has anyone ever told you you look like the bad guy off of the Usual Suspects....
OH OH!! So when we were eating Grant was like oh we should have set it up so you could have met Andrew MacNaughtan... bastard!! I wanna meet Andrew.. He's so amazing! Anyway Grant said to bug Barry about it because he knows him.... you're damn right I'm buggin him about it.. how often am I ever going to come to Toronto plus it's effin Andrew MacNaughtan... he's one of the reasons I started concentrating on music photography! I'm such a loser... come on I have to freak out about at least one person and every music event, it wouldn't be right if I didn't! I just get excited because I think these people are very talented, not because of who they are, just so we're clear on that. I'm not some crazy screaming girl! Hookay so, now that I've no doubtitly rambled on about that long enough in my exhausted state...on a lighter note, I see that Andrew has changed his website..... well sort of, he pretty much just changed the background, but it's easier to look at then the other one he had up. Andrew is so awesome!
Right now I'm sitting alone in my hotel room by myself of course, it's not a bad room, it's actually quite nice, but it is kind of boring. Honestly I'm kind of lonely though, I have no one to rant on and on about stuff with. No one to go on about the days events with, no one to laugh with and come up with funny one liners with.... honestly without someone to feed off of I can't come up with any funny lines for the ending of my blogs..... Damn it!!
I should be off to bed now I guess it's 11:00 pm, an early day for most music events, but I have to get up at 6:30 am so I can meet up with Max and Grant at the Royal York tomorrow by 8:00am.... OUCH! What really gets me is how event weeks or weekends like these always start so early when you know that they don't end till late, or should I say early in the morning to be more exact, because everyone's out partying it up...... man the people who organize these events are stupid.. or they delight in torturing others and in turn themselves... I'm going with number two on this one. Or maybe when their planning it all out they're like " oh well this year will be different I won't drink, and partying all night, so it'll be ok to start things early", but alas it never works out that way does it.... good thing I don't drink.... Eryn and I wouldn't make it one day if we drank and partied at the ECMAs, no effin way in hell!
~Miss H
....... has anyone ever told you you look like the bad guy off of the Usual Suspects....
CMW Day One: Part Three: A Quick Note...
I love Canadian Music Week.... and you know why?! Because you get the right kind of DAMN PASSES!!!! I have an All Access pass... like I'm suppose to... where as at the ECMAs we're Official Photographers for the whole event and all we get are shitty volunteer passes that say we're photographer..... which means we have to spend the majority of the time bitching at the stupid little volunteers who can't read, even when you point at the official photographer part of the pass and shove it in their faces, and don't listen to what you're saying to them..... I hate having to explain who I am to every little volunteer who thinks they have power..... Thank God I won't have that problem here!......... Oh Fuck I hope not anyway.... I'd have to pull my hair out then... or theirs!
So I'm still just sitting here.. bored.. not doing anything except trying to kill time and listening to the new Trews album..... ARGH! I'm soooo bored! I'm still having fun don't get me wrong, but I'm just so bored!!!
Later Days,
MIss H
So I'm still just sitting here.. bored.. not doing anything except trying to kill time and listening to the new Trews album..... ARGH! I'm soooo bored! I'm still having fun don't get me wrong, but I'm just so bored!!!
Later Days,
MIss H
CMW Day One: Part Two: I'm Finally In Toronto & I'm Bored As Sh@!
Hookay so... after waiting in Halifax at the airport for what seemed like forever, plus the flying and the waiting around for the express bus, and then taking 45mins to get to the Royal York where I met up with Grant...... I'm finally effin here!! Thank God! Now I'm sitting around in one of the conference rooms in Royal York... listening to conferences, while Grant shoots them. Oh and I actually got to eat really food.... that never happens at the ECMAs especially on the first day!! I think I may grow to like this..... probably not! On a side note there's not much going on today, by the looks of it not too much at all is happening until tomorrow...... which means I'm probably going to be bored as shit..... guess I'll have to call Liam soon... YAH LIAM!!
I really wish Miss E was here to make things interesting..... at least if she was here we could bitch about things! Like for example there's these two girls singing right now on stage and their voices are so annoying! These days anyone can get a record deal... muh ha ha!! It would be an interesting experiment to try...... I can really play or sing.... it would be very interesting given the connections I have if I could put out an album..... I'd love to try it... I think it would prove to be a very amusing social experiment!
~Miss H
......Never give Grant a napkin when he's bored..... he'll make a chicken!
I really wish Miss E was here to make things interesting..... at least if she was here we could bitch about things! Like for example there's these two girls singing right now on stage and their voices are so annoying! These days anyone can get a record deal... muh ha ha!! It would be an interesting experiment to try...... I can really play or sing.... it would be very interesting given the connections I have if I could put out an album..... I'd love to try it... I think it would prove to be a very amusing social experiment!
~Miss H
......Never give Grant a napkin when he's bored..... he'll make a chicken!
CMW Day One: Part One: F@%# I Hate Winter!!
So here I am sitting in the Halifax Airport...... waiting....... waiting some more...........and some more.......... The weather outside is shitty as hell, so of course my flight is delayed! I'm not sure how long it's delayed for, they haven't said yet. Bastards!! I'm so bored... and SUPER tired! I didn't get any sleep last night and had to get up @ 2am to get ready to leave for the airport @ 4am..... Not to mention that I'll probably have to be up until 2 or 3am today! It's only the first day and I'm gonna be up for over 24 hours!! AHHH!! This is gonna be a long ass 5 days! I need sleep!! There's this little girl sitting in the seats in front of me and she has so much energy that it's driving me insane.
An announcement just came on..... they have no idea how long it's gonna be delayed..... how stupid are these people.... just make something up at least because I'm gonna have to text Mr. HTT and tell me about my delay........ effin winter! The way things are going I may just have to sleep on the plane, and I hate doing that! I'm sooooo tired!! Sleeeeeeep..... need Sleep.......
~Miss H
......Nothing says party like pocky!!.......
An announcement just came on..... they have no idea how long it's gonna be delayed..... how stupid are these people.... just make something up at least because I'm gonna have to text Mr. HTT and tell me about my delay........ effin winter! The way things are going I may just have to sleep on the plane, and I hate doing that! I'm sooooo tired!! Sleeeeeeep..... need Sleep.......
~Miss H
......Nothing says party like pocky!!.......
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