So today seemed to be turning out to be a good day. The kids were good, their mom was coming home tonight from a business trip, got a letter from my mom with some pictures of my cat, finished reading a book by Miss Pamela, started reading The Alchemist, things were looking pretty good. I got the house cleaned up. I had just finished the dishes and was cleaning my glasses when it happened...... my effin glasses broke in two!! Right down the effin middle! AHHH!! At that moment I wished that there were no kids in the house because I would have screamed the F word as loud as I possibly could! I can't believe that they effin broke. I can't even put tape or anything on them to semi fix them, believe me I tried! So now I have no glasses and can't see shit! Well I can't see shit that's far away anyway. I called to my mom to have her send out my other pair, but I probably won't get them till Monday, and I have lots of stuff to do this weekend! I'm going to a baby shower and going to see the Chucky Danger Band play on saturday. How the hell am I suppose to see them!! HA! Plus how am I suppose to drive to Pier One in Richmand to check out the hot asian boys that work there! The sad thing is that when I was packing to come to BC I was contemplating taking my second pair of glasses, but I talked myself out of it, I really didn't think that I'd need them. Little did I know! Perhaps it's some kind of cosmic karma. Next time I'm listening to my gut feeling and taking the damn glasses. I guess this means I'll have to sit closer to the TV to watch Grey's tonight... HA! I'm not that blind!
Later Days,
Miss Heather.......without glasses
...... Look it's two men walking a breast!