Ok so what the hell is it with me finding the strangest people? Does God place them before me as a test to see if I finally will grow up and be a nice/decent person? Cause really he should just give up now......I can't help it. So, I'm at the mall with Tegs tonight and what do I see upon arriving to the Walmart entrance....a grandma in a minni skirt, yes that is correct people, complete with wrinkly legs and veins popping out all over........and get this, like 2 inch platforms. I'm pretty sure I missed half of the conversation that Tegs was having with me due to the laughter that was filling my head. I did manage to contain my thoughts until she was out of earshot though before spilling them to Tegan. And then as if this wasn't enough, as we're walking around in the linens department we run into a man (rugged manly man type) who is swinging his hips and singing along to the ever so manly Aretha Franklin - Respect, I almost lost it in laughter, actually I'm laughing right now thinking back on this. And, just to prove a point that yes Justin Timberlake really is stalking me, what do we find on the rack of t-shirts in Walmart?! Oh yes, a "I'm bringing sexy back" shirt.........I wanted to vomit all over it, but I held it back. So my lesson from this night out is that Walmart is not a good place for me, and that laughing at people is not a good idea cause karma will hit me with a JT attack...............................Starbucks!!!
Karma is a bitch. But regardless, i think the adventure was worth the JT moment. One day I hope to be able to make a complete fool of myself at Walmart. The nose bleed I had there 2 weeks ago doesn't really count either, just showed how oblivious people can be.
"Welcome to walmart. Get your shit and get out"
Sorry, Jeff Dunham moment.
One of the managers in Amherst is pretty sketchy too. He's like 30 and has this big fake diamond earing. Its kinda disturbing.
Haha, thats the man I have dubbed "the Walmart pimp", he's in one of my previous entries, lol.....he's notorious. I guess that Walmart is the place to go if you want to see crazy people...wait, does that mean that I am also crazy and that there are people laughing at me there?....that would be great
I can almost guarantee that there are people laughing at you when you go to Walmart... wait that didn't really come out right, did it? Not that there is any reason for anyone to laugh at you, I just mean that someone would laugh...
Mmmff, it's really getting hard to talk with my foot in my mouth.
LMAO! I've never laughed so hard in my life! I'm sorry I missed that adventure to Walmart. I have this theory that walking into Walmart is like walking into the Twilight Zone, you see, hear and experience some pretty freaky stuff when you go into one, even here in BC.
~Miss H
As for JT he's still stalking me too....the bastard!
Heather, I wish you could have been there too, although I'm pretty sure that if you were I wouldn't have been able to hold back my laughter so long and then the people would have know for sure I was laughing at them, which would be bad, or rather just an awkward situation.
And Luke, haha I am pretty sure there is someone in Walmart laughing at me, seeing that every time I go in there I set off tehre stupid security things. Garanteed the "pimp" laughs....I think he knows me by name now.Lol.
P.S. I want to punch JT in the face!
E, that was Zellars and their retarded electronic monitors...
That was by far our best starbucks trip! talking about starbuck makes me want to go and get a G.C-M! yummy :)...
and we never did find the peace shirt with the beatles... i even looked at the amherst walmart... i am thinking that whomever told you that was lying to you.
the pimp.. is that the door greater man... cause if so.. you have to be there when he goes on break and see the oufit he puts on to go on his smoke break.
Speaking of people that are now walmart employees at the lovely amville wally's world is Melanie Long.. ...
great convos happen at walmart!
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