And we are back to a normal life again.......or getting there........hopefully soon after we catch up some darn sleep, which should only take, oh, about a year!
Last day at the ECMA's was great, except that yes the storm that we were all expecting did hit Fredericton early Sunday, which made the roads hell to drive on. So of course I did have to call work and say that I wouldn't be in on Monday, Hooray! So, we checked out of the hotel and spent the better part of the afternoon hangin out with Dan the Man, captioning photos at hie hotel room.....by the way the "Plaza" should really be called the "Palace" based on what Dan's room looked like. Oh and by the way....how the eff did he get an ECMA bag when we didn't?! I want free shit too, mostly just the bag though. And then came the big event of the weekend.......the Awards show, or as most people there reffer to it....the "Joel Plaskett Show"......but really come on, no one else put out a new record this year, and the man effin deserves it! Also, glad to see that Chr!s Smi!th FINALLY won Photographer of the Year, WooHoo......Chr!s you are effin amazing.....and thanks for the tip about drunk photographing, haha.
But just to let people know another reason why fredericton effin sucks.....The Aitken Center....need I say more. Effin sauna, not to mention having to wade through the toxic fog, effin haze. But anywho....best part of the whole evening....yes indeed it was getting to hang out in the Delta lobby on the CBC couch with Barry watching people check each other out....and no, we are totally sober in this photo...or at least Miss H and I were........where was Jimmy?
Hookay, so we stayed up all night captioning photos and partying and then wehn the storm finally let up.....we drove to Sackville and crashed for a bit.........a whole 26 hours without sleep! WTF?!!! And let me just say that....we LOVE moms.....and mom food.....then we drove to Truro after a few hours nap and the saddest part of the weekend took place......Miss H and I finally had tp part ways, or as Mrs T would call it, we "cut the umbilical chord"...............and both drove (me on the bus, not driving thank goodness) home...............and I don't remember much after that...just passing out.....although I'm pretty sure I did have dreams...yes Miss H I was talking in them again. The End
~Miss E
............ _____ was supposed to get me a joint, but I think he left the building! Good Old NGR!
Ah! Good Times, Good Times! NGR Rocks! I would have found it extremely funny though if ______ had of shown up with the joint. I think hangin out with NGR would have been a thousand times funnier then, not that he's not funny to begin with but there's nothing like a stoned neurotic man. lol
Oh and don't forget that we're still owed a Colin... damn it! We're playing collect The Trews.... John Angus down... only Colin, Jack, and Sean to go!
~Miss H
And I must add that Moms do rock and are the bestest of the bestest people... EVER!!!
Oh Oh... I almost forgot the most profound part of that weekend... which happened after being awake for over 20 hours and driving back to Sackville in a snow storm...........
" We're almost there"...."No we're not"......"Well we're almost there more then we were almost there back there".... LMAO
~ Miss H
oh yes...a word to the wise children....NEVER try being phylisophical after being awake for twenty hours straight, yes it makes sense at the time but later you and everyone you tell is going to end up with the wtf? look on their face.
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