I would have come up with a better name for the blog but why hide the truth!! lol Miss E will explain later about the whole Trews thing in a recap of last nights events....and no we weren't creepy!! But for now onto a little blurb about THT.... last night when Miss E and I were heading out of the hotel, from different exits (she had to go to the front desk, I escaped out the back), we both ran into Alec from THT. So I guess THT are staying in our hotel. If we had of had time I'm sure we would have tracked them down but the ECMAs won't shoot themselves! Knowing that THT is in our hotel.....we're owed a sharpie, a silver sharpie at that, and we intend to collect!! muh ha ha
Oh so Barry is ALIVE! He does exist!! We hadn't seen Barry until last night and we were beginning to think that he was a figment of Grant's imagination. Barry rocks! We scared the shit out of him, it was too funny! Miss E came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder......He jumped about 2 ft in the air lmao........
And that is the moment when we finally got to see the Trews........but lets start that story off from the beginning. Hookay, so.....music NS was at the Back Nine last night, by the way I effin hate the staff at that place. I waited outside the doors for two and a half hours to finally find out that the fire marshal said even if people left no one else was getting in. Down the hatch went that paln to see Joel Plaskett and the Trews, effin staff. And wtf Grant? Can you not answer your damn phone when I call you! I could have froze to death! At least I made friends with some people in teh line around me.....we shared a tender moment of huddling together to eat some tic-tacs........I can't remember your names now but your effin awesome guys! And a special shout-out goes to your mom, I'll call you good teeth boy, for letting us have her scarf to share between the four of us when she left. I heart moms. Anywho, I walked back to the Plaza and met up with Heather feeling discouraged, when Mrs T finally calls us back......and hope reigns! Until his special call to get us into the show ends up in failure cause the Trews can't even get their own family into it! WTF?! fredericton effin sucks!
But again hope prevails as we realize that they are playing at the Delta, where Barry is..............sorry to the guys I stood in line with but............yes we indeed did get backstage to take photos during the show!!! And for that we heart Mrs T........but he still owes us. And I think that we might have been recognized us from.....well we can't talk about that...it's a whole other universe. but man....did he ever stare at us.....??????? So we arrived back at the hotel afterwards on a Trews high.......and then passed out from exhaustion......
And now today is a new day, our last day here.....time flies......it's gonna be a long day, but I can feel a good energy about it.
Later Days
Soooo many stamps..........I feel like I have a new tattoo!!
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