Here's an update from BC.....
I found the most wonderful thing yesterday! As I was walking through the Superstore here in Delta, looking for something to eat and killing time before I had to go pick up my niece from preschool I discovered the most tasty of snacks, and I might add the most addictive too. POCKY!!! It's a Japanese treat that kids in Japan love! I had heard / read about them before and had always wanted to try them. To describe what these things are is rather simple, they're a thin bread stick with a flavoured creamy coating. I bought strawberry! YUM YUM!! Eryn I will send you some when I get a chance to go buy some more! You'll love them! Not only are they really really good but they are super cheap too, only $0.88 a box, which has a lot in it.
In the afternoon my brother and I took the kids to this place called Crash Crawly's.... it's the greatest place for kids.... and adults! Pretty much the whole inside of this warehouse sized building is nothing but a series of tunnels, slides, pits full of balls, and places to climb for kids. Oh and there is also a couple of air cannons that shoot foam balls. It's effin huge and fun! Damn I wish they had places like that back home when I was a kid, but wait then I'd have to pay to get in. Adults don't have to pay, just the kids and adults can climb and go anywhere the kids can..... never mind, being an adult is way more fun!
Let's make web site and call it "giveusbackthesharpie.com"
Aww, that place sounds so awesome, I think this is the only time in my life when I find that I'm wishing I was an adult, yeah we all kow I'm really not. And it's not the first time that I wish I was out there wth ya Heather! Those treats sound amazing as well, you better sned me some! your little care package will be in the mail soon! luv ya!
Miss you more than you could ever imagine
~miss eryn
Ok, so that pretty much sounds like the coolest place ever, except I don't know about the "places to climb for kids". That sounds a little weird to me, unless you meant "places for kids to climb", then it's ok.
I don't agree that being an adult is better than being a kid though; way too much "responsibility, what's that, I don't wanna think about it, we'd be better off without it". Sorry I do quite often randomly quote songs the middle of sentences.
I love typing mistakes! lol Eryn I have the goods and I'll be sending them your way soon!
Miss you more then words can express!
~Miss Heather
Oh yeah! Thanks for the sloan pic! It makes me very happy!!!!
~Miss Heather
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