Right, so I'm hangng out with Tegan last night and my parents decide that it would be fun to go to the Big Stop for supper with their NS friends, and there son Bradley comes along too. Upon arriving to the restaurant, that is effin busy as the gates of hell, my sweet mother turns to us and points out a man sitting at a near by table......yes folks I swear it was the spitting image of Jesus Christ himself. and this was Good Friday, what luck?! Plus not only do we get to see him but we get to be back to back with the savior while eating, his table was right behind us......thinking back on this, I should have used the crayons that the waitress gave us to draw a picture of Jesus on my place mat instead of random doodling, what is wrong with me?! At least that would have been a good reason for th eman next to us to really be staring at us like we were crazy, and it would have embarrassed ou parents even more, lol.......I heart crayons......
So after seeing Jesus, we moved on to the local Dooley's which I must say was a happening place last night with all the old style country karaoke (yes I think that my ears actaully started to bleed from it.....it made our hearts cry), and we played some pool with Sir Bradley and Sir Gimpy (and by that I mean Andrew).......and won girls against guys three times in a row......i must admit though for my consience sake (totally didn't spell that right...not that I actually have one of those) that it was all by default that we won. And my lucky streak didn't last long.....I'm big enough to admit that I did in fact sink the eight ball on my second shot after those games......and had to live through the rest of the night being teased constantly over it...it happened and it wasn't that funny, people can we please move on now?! haha, yes I do like laughing at myself.
I am also pleased to tell you Heather that we committed a tiny deviant act in honor of you....I'm teaching Tegan well. We did happen to "borrow" the little marker sign, wallpaper and all, with some random comments taken from conversation throughout the night, I've posted a photo as a little gift, may you all enjoy...............pussywillows!!
oh my fack... yesterday was amazing.. but anytime i am with my sister is a good time.
Big Stop... what can you say.. except HIDE THE CRAYONS.. which i have placed securly(?) in my room... and i could just feel the holy spirit in me while i sat back to back with jesus... or was a shediacer?? can't quite remember... now the gay guy that bradley was afraid of was a good moment too... lol
Oh wait... didn't we see jesus twice... maybe that is why we were lucky at pool.. thats right jesus did turn up at dooleys too! and those 3 boys singing kareoke.. i will travel down any red dirt road with them.. cause they sure were fine!
Yes heather.. i was deviant... we almost forgot our white board... and here i had to run back and get it, i even took part of the wall with it.... and was for sure thinking i would get caught.. but i managed to escape... (whew!) what a close one..lol
well i think that is all... hey sis.. how about a lil joan of arc?!
Oh man, see this is why I need not only me here when typing this crap up, my memory is soo bad I forget halkf the stuff that happened and was said! So thanks Tegs! And why didn't I get my crayons back?! I may need those someday......or the next tiem we go to the Big Stop............Maybe we'll have to have a lil Joan ending tomorrow.....I'm soo gonna paass out from exhaustion soon and miss it again, lol
oh and we can't forget the sloan that was stuck in our heads.. the picture made me remember... a whole day of sloan! sigh... what a good day....( the other man... or... one thing i know about the rest of my i know that i'll be living in canada... ) oh two very good songs...
PS. is JT still stalking you?
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