So yesterday after work I stopped in to grab the mail on the way home and to my surprise (cause no one actaully sends me anything-except you Heather) there was a note in the box for me :) And who was this mysterious note from? None other thamn Two Hours Traffic. Not waiting a minute in the car, I ripped it open with excitement and the above picture is what I found inside. Upon arrivng home I raced in the house and grabbed the nearest phone wanting to call Heather right away...and then realized i didn't remember her new number.......damn it. Had to wait while my computer loaded up, which in fact doesn't take long but seems to take about a billion years when you really need something, like the world was suddenly in slow motion. Anyway I get the cell number........no answer......house phone........and with glee I report the news.........yes people we did make little girly noises for a few moments........guys you made our day!...............and we forgive you about the sharpie........like we can't find another one......and so ends another fanciful adventure.............Cajun!
Very Impressed and stoaked for you girls...
Damn it, there you guys go again being way more awesomer (yes i know it's not a real word but, it fits) than i could ever hope to be. Now while i think it is totally swicked that you would receive such gifts, i am quite jealous. i strive on a daily basis to reach the level of cool that you guys have in my mind, but what's the point? i'm never going to be able to climb above the epitome of.... ummm, now i've lost where i was going with that. anyway, music is cool, A.D.D. is not.
Aww you guys are too nice....such great comments in response to my ramblings, thanks
P.S. Someday Luke, someday we will take you along for the ride
We're cool? When did this happen? Did it happen when I left?.... Thanks for the nice comment anyway! I'm so excited to get the new THT album! Eryn and THT totally made my day yesterday!
~Miss H
PS Luke you can come be creepy....I mean cool with us when I come home. Eryn and I will have a lot of deviant acts / music to catch up on and will need an accomplice.
Awesome, I'm totally stoked, unlike Tegs, who is "stoaked", not really sure what that means but we understand what you meant.
hahah... thanks luke.. i am always glad when you know what i mean.. since we all no that 4 years of schooling did not help my english at all... but meh!
And now i am even more jealous, luke gets to go along for the ride and i don't... thats just not right!
It's totally fair that I get to go, I've got no way of justifying it but somehow, someway, it works.
Luke asked first so of course he gets to take part before you, besides if everyone is involved then it won't work...not inconspicuous enough, we'll have to [ick the best person for the job when it comes down to needing recruits
-oops my bad
I don't whether i should be glad that I'm a recruit or slightly disturbed at the thought you have put into this. BTW, i'd always be the best chioce, i don't run into cars mickey d's.
Just for the sake of argument, How is Luke _ever_ the best candidate for anything???
ah, just kidding. Your ramblings amuse me...
and tegs, learn to spell dammit, it hurts reading anything you post.
i'm going to apologize for my comments earlier about peoples spelling and grammar considering how many words i left out of my last post.
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