Wednesday, March 5, 2008

CMW Day One: Part One: F@%# I Hate Winter!!

So here I am sitting in the Halifax Airport...... waiting....... waiting some more...........and some more.......... The weather outside is shitty as hell, so of course my flight is delayed! I'm not sure how long it's delayed for, they haven't said yet. Bastards!! I'm so bored... and SUPER tired! I didn't get any sleep last night and had to get up @ 2am to get ready to leave for the airport @ 4am..... Not to mention that I'll probably have to be up until 2 or 3am today! It's only the first day and I'm gonna be up for over 24 hours!! AHHH!! This is gonna be a long ass 5 days! I need sleep!! There's this little girl sitting in the seats in front of me and she has so much energy that it's driving me insane.
An announcement just came on..... they have no idea how long it's gonna be delayed..... how stupid are these people.... just make something up at least because I'm gonna have to text Mr. HTT and tell me about my delay........ effin winter! The way things are going I may just have to sleep on the plane, and I hate doing that! I'm sooooo tired!! Sleeeeeeep..... need Sleep.......

~Miss H

......Nothing says party like pocky!!.......

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