Monday, October 22, 2007
The Countdown Is On.....
14 Days and counting..... until I, Miss H return to the East Coast...... and shortly there after the deviant duo will be together again...... Look out east coast the band's getting back together!!! ..... And we have a lot of deviant acts to catch up on!!! MUH HA HA!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Shawshank Redemption
Well folks yesterday I went to jail..... no seriously I did! I went in at 12:30 yesterday.........and got out at 3:00, I was only visiting after all. I went to visit my niece's boyfriend (father of two of her kids). I'm so weird because I thought it was fun!! It was just like hanging out with friends anywhere, only there's a barb wire fence and security cameras. Plus there's hot guys...criminals but hot. Well one guy was anyway, he'd be the man of my dreams if he of course wasn't in jail lol Outside of the jail there's a huge pile of old bicycles, I forgot to ask what they were for. Every time I've dropped Michelle off I've wondered what the hell they were for, but of course the one time I go inside I forgot to ask... damn it!! My theory on the bikes is this.. If you want to escape you have your choice of get away vehicles, will it be a pink banana seat bike or a little red tricycle! Personally I'm going for the green BMX.
~Miss H
~Miss H
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Twizzlers Heaven

Ok so I'm walking around the Superstore in Mission trying to kill time and what do I happen to come upon but the biggest bag of Twizzlers ever. It's effin huge!! So of course I had to get one, who can resist that much Twizzler goodness. It was made even better because I was talking to Miss E on the phone when I happened upon my discovery. I'm posting pictures to show her how big the bag really is..... one piece of the stuff is as long as my arm!! I think I'm good to go on the Twizzlers for awhile. lol
~Miss H
..... it's the international driver's tan..........
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Highly Upset..
Ok so tonight was turning out to be like every other night.... I was just hangin out in my room surfing the net, really doing nothing, when I decided to check out some of my favorite band site. Sometimes you just have to keep up to date on we're your favorite bands are playing, especially if you're music crazy like Anyway I was checking out Sloan's site and guess where they're playing.........effin' NEW GLASGOW, where I live in effin NS!!!! I"M SO PISSED!!!! I leave and come here to BC and I'm going to miss my favorite band play in my home town. What really pisses me off is that I sort of know Chris Murphy, well let's just say that I'm the crazy photogirl who gives him photos and he knows me to see me. I have photos for him and the rest of the band damn it!! I'm sure that I'm rambling on in a fit of rage but I wanna go home!! I wonder if I can go home for a weekend?.....Well I know I would do it, it's me.... fly 8 hours home on friday, see Sloan, fly 8 hours back on Monday..... hmmmm? I realize that's a lot of money to spend on just seeing Sloan but.....I'm such a loser because I so want to do it, how sad is that?! I could talk myself into it though, I have lots of other excuses, I'd get to see my friends, I'd go steal Eryn and then go see Sloan, um..... I'm sure I'll come up with some better ones as well....later. Ok I need to go do something to take my mind off of this or I really will buy a ticket and fly home in two weeks... then fly back! lol
.......I hate my life..........argh!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ok so what the hell is it with me finding the strangest people? Does God place them before me as a test to see if I finally will grow up and be a nice/decent person? Cause really he should just give up now......I can't help it. So, I'm at the mall with Tegs tonight and what do I see upon arriving to the Walmart entrance....a grandma in a minni skirt, yes that is correct people, complete with wrinkly legs and veins popping out all over........and get this, like 2 inch platforms. I'm pretty sure I missed half of the conversation that Tegs was having with me due to the laughter that was filling my head. I did manage to contain my thoughts until she was out of earshot though before spilling them to Tegan. And then as if this wasn't enough, as we're walking around in the linens department we run into a man (rugged manly man type) who is swinging his hips and singing along to the ever so manly Aretha Franklin - Respect, I almost lost it in laughter, actually I'm laughing right now thinking back on this. And, just to prove a point that yes Justin Timberlake really is stalking me, what do we find on the rack of t-shirts in Walmart?! Oh yes, a "I'm bringing sexy back" shirt.........I wanted to vomit all over it, but I held it back. So my lesson from this night out is that Walmart is not a good place for me, and that laughing at people is not a good idea cause karma will hit me with a JT attack...............................Starbucks!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
What is wrong with you?!

Once upon a time there was a boy...........let us forth with call him.........Mortimer. Now Mortimer liked to write funny stories on his blog, but alas, one day he ran out of funny things to say and started to write a two part story of his love life. We think that at the time poor Mortimer had been watching too many repeat episodes of Sex and the City, Damn you TBS!!!! it i s slightly disturbing how he has spilled his guts on the net for anone to search out and read...and yet once you start it's almost just can't stop. You have to keeping going to the very last word...and then somehow you want more? What is wrong with people today?!..............are mustard pickles in season yet? no really, I want mustard pickles damn it!!!
Friday, May 18, 2007

So today seemed to be turning out to be a good day. The kids were good, their mom was coming home tonight from a business trip, got a letter from my mom with some pictures of my cat, finished reading a book by Miss Pamela, started reading The Alchemist, things were looking pretty good. I got the house cleaned up. I had just finished the dishes and was cleaning my glasses when it happened...... my effin glasses broke in two!! Right down the effin middle! AHHH!! At that moment I wished that there were no kids in the house because I would have screamed the F word as loud as I possibly could! I can't believe that they effin broke. I can't even put tape or anything on them to semi fix them, believe me I tried! So now I have no glasses and can't see shit! Well I can't see shit that's far away anyway. I called to my mom to have her send out my other pair, but I probably won't get them till Monday, and I have lots of stuff to do this weekend! I'm going to a baby shower and going to see the Chucky Danger Band play on saturday. How the hell am I suppose to see them!! HA! Plus how am I suppose to drive to Pier One in Richmand to check out the hot asian boys that work there! The sad thing is that when I was packing to come to BC I was contemplating taking my second pair of glasses, but I talked myself out of it, I really didn't think that I'd need them. Little did I know! Perhaps it's some kind of cosmic karma. Next time I'm listening to my gut feeling and taking the damn glasses. I guess this means I'll have to sit closer to the TV to watch Grey's tonight... HA! I'm not that blind!
Later Days,
Miss Heather.......without glasses
...... Look it's two men walking a breast!
Monday, April 30, 2007
How soon is July?

Yeah thats right, I'm goin to see Aerosmith in PEI......and to reassure some of I do not have plans of stalking them....that was one time and one time only, lol but sooo much fun. I feel so show deprived lately without you being here Heather, need to see a show soon before the nervous twitching starts to kick in......I'm just kidding it's not that bad.....but it could be.........and for some reason while writing this blog I have recieved the sudden urge to watch Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy........
It is a mistake to think that you can solve any major problems with just potatoes
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
A Bad Day Saved By Joel Plaskett...
My day started out good... I only had to look after one kid this morning and I got a package from Eryn, but little did I know how bad it was going to get. Getting the package from Eryn made me happy and sad all at the same time. She sent me some choice east coast music and my autographed picture of Two Hours Traffic. It made me realize how much I miss the east coast music scene and Eryn. To make matters worse my brother had to go pick up his new, used car. So of course I had to go along to look after the kids and drive one of the cars home. He left me in the car with the two kids while he went to fill out the paper work and such. I was in a car, an inclosed space with a one and three year old for over an hour!! As you can imagine I wanted to shoot myself about 20mins in. It's hard to entertain children of those ages while trying to convince them that they had to stay in their car seats and couldn't run around free in the car! AHHH!! As soon as my brother pulled up with the new car I jumped out and said I'd drive it! I love it! It's little! My brother's other car is a huge ass car and hard to drive after driving my little subaru. The new car is a corolla. We took both cars to Costco to do some shopping, then because he was running late to go pick up his wife my brother sent me home with the kids in the big car.......during rush hour....I really didn't know where I was going....and the kids were cranky! Let's just say that was fun. Actually the traffic wasn't that bad but the kids where. But it all worked out in the end. After supper I took the new car out and drove around like crazy with the new Joel Plaskett cd that Eryn sent me cranked! Joel makes everything right with the world!! Joel = Zen! Thanks Joel you saved my day! and Eryn did too, because she sent me the cd! Keep the east coast music comin' Eryn =)
Later Days,
Miss H
Later Days,
Miss H
Thursday, April 19, 2007
THT - you made our day

So yesterday after work I stopped in to grab the mail on the way home and to my surprise (cause no one actaully sends me anything-except you Heather) there was a note in the box for me :) And who was this mysterious note from? None other thamn Two Hours Traffic. Not waiting a minute in the car, I ripped it open with excitement and the above picture is what I found inside. Upon arrivng home I raced in the house and grabbed the nearest phone wanting to call Heather right away...and then realized i didn't remember her new number.......damn it. Had to wait while my computer loaded up, which in fact doesn't take long but seems to take about a billion years when you really need something, like the world was suddenly in slow motion. Anyway I get the cell phone........and with glee I report the news.........yes people we did make little girly noises for a few moments........guys you made our day!...............and we forgive you about the we can't find another one......and so ends another fanciful adventure.............Cajun!
Damn it!
Ok so I just spent the last hour writing a post for the next lesson of Outrageous Japanese and just before I posted I went to close another program and accidently hit apple Q to quit on Sarfari! I lost everything!!! AHHHHHH!!! Damn it!! Kuso! Kuso! Kuso! If the next lesson was posted you'd know what that means!! Oh well maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
~Miss Heather
~Miss Heather
Friday, April 13, 2007
Outrageous Japanese Lesson 1

Ha Ha Ha this book is so awesome! It's called Outrageous Japanese, Slang,Curses and Epithets, by Jack Seward. I just started going through it today and thought I'd share some of it's contents with the rest of you. This will be lesson one.
From the Physical Apperance chapter:
chimmurui no kao (face that would stop a clock)
Kanojo no oppai ni wa kowakute kuroi ke ga haete iru-tte. ( I hear she has coarse black hairs growing out of her tits.) I just thought that that was an odd thing to say to someone or about someone, so I thought I'd include it. lol This next one also strikes me as weird but haliarious at the same time. paipan ( woman with no crotch hair) WTF?
How about kusottare-babā/jijī (shitty old goat) for those old people you know.
Now on to some Threats. There are a lot but I'll only include a few.
Sunao ni naran to buchi-nomesu ze (If you don't do what I say, I'm going to beat the hell out of you.)
Mogaite mo shiyō ga nai (It's no use struggling)
Doteppara ni kaza-ana wo akete yaru kara oboete oke. (Remember, I'm going to drill a hole in your dirty guts) ..... now that one's a classic.. lol
Omae wo hakusei ni shiteyaru. (I'll have you stuffed and mounted.)
Ah, this book is too good! It gets even worse. Be sure to come back for another lesson when I'll teach you the Japanese word for bitch and slut, and much much more!!
Later Days,
Miss Heather
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Great A&W Heist....Cause we steal shit

The day was unlike any other day, except that for the fact that instead of just thinking about it, we actually committed the crime. Yeah thats right Heather, I have found a replacement for you (just in your absence cause I have no one else). We'll send you one the next time we visit again. We stole mugs..................the end....cause we steal shit bitches!.....................and if they don't have it, we'll take whatever we want, cause thats what we do, we steal shit!
~ Chris "The Wheel Man" MacIsaac
Eryn "Slight Of Hand" Coombs
Finally Freedom

Tonight I actually got to take the car out, on my own, and tour around Delta. It was nice to actually get to go do some shopping. Actually it made me realize how much I need adult supervision or at least Eryn to help talk me out of buy things because I spent WAY too much money!! But Eryn I managed to get you something that I know you'll love. I have one more thing to get you then I'll send you your present. I hope you're excited!
I've learned tonight that when you're away from home and missing your friends, or you're just in a bad mood, Chapters makes everything better..... especially if it has a starbucks!! Oh how I love starbucks and books! The only down side of going there tonight was that I forgot my discount card. Damn it! I found the greatest book there... it teaches curse words, slag, and all out profanity in japanese. Yeah I'm gonna buy it just for giggles. I'm looking forward to getting it and including some of these phrases in future posts. LOL
Later Days
Miss Heather
Miss you Eryn!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Ode To The Home Depot..

Oh how I love Home Depot! I think I inherited my love for home improvement stores from my father. Tonight my brother and I went to the Home Depot. As he walked around making his list of things he had to have delivered for the cabinets he's building I took off to wonder around the store. My first stop...the paint section! I have realized that I have an addiction and in true AA fashion..... "Hello my name is Heather" *this is where the other addicts, that will be you, would say "Hi"* "I am an addict... I am addicted to paint swatches!" *tears up and hangs head in shame* Oh man am I ever! I spent a good 15mins looking at swatches and taking every color that appealed to me. I think I took about 30 swatches or more, probably more. I know that's a weird thing, but I'm a photographer, I love colors damn it! Not to mention that they had effin Mickey Mouse swatches who could pass up that!! So anyway on with my story.. After leaving the paint section and wondering around some more of the store I headed to the garden center where I wonder around for about 30mins or more. As I walked around I noticed that there were two ride on lawn mowers near the back of the center. I looked around, no one in site.....ummm I totally wanted to hop on one and go for a joy ride. Oh if only Eryn was here!! I did however walk over to them and scope them out, how creepy is that? Actually for me that's nothing *evil grin*. But as I was scoping it out a man walked by, damn!!
All in all I think I spent a total of 2 hours wondering around Home Depot tonight which sadly was fun for me, obviously I don't get out much now. I haven't even gotten to go shopping yet, other then just running into places to grab something. But I have it all planned out when I get the chance I know what stores I'm going to and what things I'm buying. Eryn when I get a chance to get out I'll be sending some cool stuff you're way! Wait there's hope.... my brother just said that I could take the car and go shopping tomorrow night if I want......YES!! Sometimes I feel like a prisoner here, but I still love it, I'm just not used to staying at home this much. I need freedom, I need my car, I need the URABUS, (that's Subaru backwards for those few who don't get it), I need to interact with people my own age...oh and cute boys because there's lots here!
OK I think I've reached the point where I'm rambling on so I shall end my ode to the Home Depot and this installment of what I like to call " What's going on in BC" otherwise know as "How long will it take before I crack on a count of how I am always cooped up in this house!"
~ Miss Heather
On a side note you have no idea how much I miss cursing, how I long to say the F word!! Oh how I miss you F word =( Look out when I get home every word I say is going to be a profanity, unlike before when it was every second word =)
Monday, April 9, 2007

Sunday, April 8, 2007
Workplace Fun

Little Jono, Kellen, and Eryn
So today was an amazing day at work for once, it'll never happen again I presume. WE made delicious pancakes for breakfast, it was like a little Bridge Street mini party, mmm complete with blueberries, strawberries, pears and gelato. Just no one tell Cathy, haha. And then I locked Kellen in the pantry......with the ghosts..........and we all stood outside laughing at the newbie.
Crayon Embarrassment

Right, so I'm hangng out with Tegan last night and my parents decide that it would be fun to go to the Big Stop for supper with their NS friends, and there son Bradley comes along too. Upon arriving to the restaurant, that is effin busy as the gates of hell, my sweet mother turns to us and points out a man sitting at a near by table......yes folks I swear it was the spitting image of Jesus Christ himself. and this was Good Friday, what luck?! Plus not only do we get to see him but we get to be back to back with the savior while eating, his table was right behind us......thinking back on this, I should have used the crayons that the waitress gave us to draw a picture of Jesus on my place mat instead of random doodling, what is wrong with me?! At least that would have been a good reason for th eman next to us to really be staring at us like we were crazy, and it would have embarrassed ou parents even more, lol.......I heart crayons......
So after seeing Jesus, we moved on to the local Dooley's which I must say was a happening place last night with all the old style country karaoke (yes I think that my ears actaully started to bleed from made our hearts cry), and we played some pool with Sir Bradley and Sir Gimpy (and by that I mean Andrew).......and won girls against guys three times in a row......i must admit though for my consience sake (totally didn't spell that right...not that I actually have one of those) that it was all by default that we won. And my lucky streak didn't last long.....I'm big enough to admit that I did in fact sink the eight ball on my second shot after those games......and had to live through the rest of the night being teased constantly over happened and it wasn't that funny, people can we please move on now?! haha, yes I do like laughing at myself.
I am also pleased to tell you Heather that we committed a tiny deviant act in honor of you....I'm teaching Tegan well. We did happen to "borrow" the little marker sign, wallpaper and all, with some random comments taken from conversation throughout the night, I've posted a photo as a little gift, may you all enjoy...............pussywillows!!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Pocky and Crash Crawly's

Here's an update from BC.....
I found the most wonderful thing yesterday! As I was walking through the Superstore here in Delta, looking for something to eat and killing time before I had to go pick up my niece from preschool I discovered the most tasty of snacks, and I might add the most addictive too. POCKY!!! It's a Japanese treat that kids in Japan love! I had heard / read about them before and had always wanted to try them. To describe what these things are is rather simple, they're a thin bread stick with a flavoured creamy coating. I bought strawberry! YUM YUM!! Eryn I will send you some when I get a chance to go buy some more! You'll love them! Not only are they really really good but they are super cheap too, only $0.88 a box, which has a lot in it.
In the afternoon my brother and I took the kids to this place called Crash Crawly's.... it's the greatest place for kids.... and adults! Pretty much the whole inside of this warehouse sized building is nothing but a series of tunnels, slides, pits full of balls, and places to climb for kids. Oh and there is also a couple of air cannons that shoot foam balls. It's effin huge and fun! Damn I wish they had places like that back home when I was a kid, but wait then I'd have to pay to get in. Adults don't have to pay, just the kids and adults can climb and go anywhere the kids can..... never mind, being an adult is way more fun!
Let's make web site and call it ""
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Darn you sharpie stealing band members!
So, I'm going to take you on a little trip back into time in my wonderful "time machine", not too far back though, only about a week into the past..........I recieved in the mail today a package from a certain band that Heather and I had been going through all hell to see, yes it was our signed photos! But..........thinking maybe they had wrote a little note back to us, I was wrong...such a let down. Plus those mean boys did not return our sharpie to you know how many stores we had to go to in Charlottetown to find those?!!! jerks........but we will still love you anyway, they did in fact at least sign our photos and send them back, what more could a couple of girls ask for?.................remember, when in doubt.....just hit the ball really really hard!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Good Times at Ducky's
So yesterday afternoon I went to hang out at Mel's place and her film/photograph on set of her new movie. was amazing, now I remember why I love photography soooo much, get to design her movie posters and promos, yay!!! Can't wait to get started. But thats not the story I want to share here.....well actually it's not really that long of a story, a little intro and then I'm just gonna throw it all out there.......
I met up with a few people that night from work and headed out to Ducky's for Tequila Tuesday...and BA Johnson was also playing, so we got to watch him dance around on the bar and dry hump various objects, man that guy is insane......but so hilarious.........anyway, a girl from work, who shall remain nameless....was like can I do a shot off you? I sad what the hell, a girl did a body shot off me........haha.........and thats all I have to say about that................careful there's jello in the bathroom!
I met up with a few people that night from work and headed out to Ducky's for Tequila Tuesday...and BA Johnson was also playing, so we got to watch him dance around on the bar and dry hump various objects, man that guy is insane......but so hilarious.........anyway, a girl from work, who shall remain nameless....was like can I do a shot off you? I sad what the hell, a girl did a body shot off me........haha.........and thats all I have to say about that................careful there's jello in the bathroom!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
So Long, Fair Well..........
Alright, so no Heather I didn't cry, i was a strong little girl and held it together well when we said goodbye. No one at work suspected a thing. I am a little disapointed though that Two Hours Traffic did not stop by at work that day, tsk tsk guys. I would also like to report to you that we were indeed correct in thinking that the nice shiny Liberty was not their vehicle, seeing as it is still parked in the same space. Good thing we didn't waste our "ammunition" on that one, haha. My day at work did look up by the way when yes thats right...David Myles and Rose Cousins themsleves stopped by the cafe.........and yes they did recognize and remember me.....*insert hallelujah sounds* We had a very lovely chit chat about the ECMAs. And david is doing a show next Friday in Amherst with Charlie A'court (yeah, I don't remember how to spell his name, I'm not too big to admit it) and I am soooooooooooo..............attending. yes, I do have to take my parents, cause you are out having the time of your life in BC and have left me and my concert going experience all alone......but I won't hold it against you.......too much.........*sniff sniff*. I'm also jsut going to warn you that I am going to have to be deviant without you just a little bit, I can't bottle that up for that long. But I won't do anything too extreme, I'll save those ideas for your return................I'm in Mac heaven!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Jean Coutu Escape
Right, so we went to go see Two Hours Traffic, or as Devon refers to them - Two Interstate Provinces....but alas the tickets, which we did not know existed, were all sold out, stupid hoes. So we decided that to get our photos to them we would just slip our envelopes under the door with a little message. Then neither of us wanted to be the one to slip it under the door, so relying on jessica we left and got Rockstar. But when calling Jessica after she got off work.....there was no answer, yes we hate you...probably...not.......but still........yes that was a William Shatner moment of slow speaking. So we calle din reinforcements, one being Steve who shall be known hence forth as.....Steve...he asked fr his real name to remain a secret. he turned out to be a pansy ass boy so then he called in more reinforcements. And this is the part of the story when you readers meet our hero....Devon. He persoanlly gave our package with complete story of how we came to this point to Alec, as we ran sketchily away from them down the stairs........yes he totally saw us. But mission completed. So now we await a package to be sent back via snail mail, sinc ewe have already included a self addressed envelope and money for postage, we are soooo creepy. So after our rockstar high we decided to play a little game called "cat and mouse", which is basically hide and seek with cars. So, Andrew really sucks at giving hints cause we found him within one minute, where as us gave him several hints and only when Devon showed himself did Andrew find took him almost an hour. Meanwhile we were starving!! So directly after being found we headed for home, but with one little pit stop......second mission complete! And then we had toast...........May your flies always be tits up!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
We shake our heads in shame at you
Christopher, christopher, christopher.........Slugs are cool and you should be darn proud to have that as your nickname!
Chris (Slug) and the Tale of Toasty
Eryn says:
yes yes i am... hee hee, eryn just went to get changed she'll be right back
Christopher says:
haha, lets pretend weer talking about her
Eryn says:
ok .. here she comes
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
i'm gonna whisper
Eryn says:
you asshole
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
no ...... the goose has landed
Eryn says:
damn it chris post a comment on our blog.... please!!!
Christopher says:
i'm so confused.......
Christopher says:
am i talking to a goose?
Eryn says:
it's still heather
Eryn says:
but a wasn't the one that called you an asshole that was the goose
Christopher says:
eryn has a talking goose!, thats amazing
Eryn says:
Eryn says:
eryn's laughing so hard she's crying adn she needs to sit on her bum
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
sorry she said ball not bum
Christopher says:
haha, well both make good sense
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
sounds like you guys have the giggles
Eryn says:
that we do my friend that we do... muh haha... shhhh shut the fuck up bag
Christopher says:
is there a bag giving you some sass?
Eryn says:
there was but we've rectified the siteeeeation, ye'haw
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
you know even though i'm not there i have this picture of eryn laughing and crying while she bounces on her excercise ball, heather trying to shut up this bag of hers and some goose running around calling everyone an asshole.....................are you guys on acid
Eryn says:
no but we feel like it.... and to clarify teh siteeeation, eryn is the one trying to shut the bag up, and the "goose" was a code word for eryn coming back into the room so she wouldn;t know we were talking about her.......
Eryn says:
well maybe we're on acid
Christopher says:
haha, the cheap shit too
Eryn says:
you got that right
Eryn says:
that's all we can afford after student loans
Christopher says:
i hear ya, whenever i get to meet my student loan......i'm gonna punch it in the face
Eryn says:
could you maybe kick in the junk for us
Christopher says:
with pleasure
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
well i think i'm gonna call it a night, and head to bed
Eryn says:
well ok then abandon us
Christopher says:
i'd love to stay and chat, but i took a bunch of muscle relaxants and i'm feeling really sleepy cause there starting to kick in
Eryn says:
and we're the ones on drugs?!
Christopher says:
i got a recipt when i bought miine......can you say the same, haha
Eryn says:
ummm......... we got one from eryn's dad does that count?
Eryn says:
it was written on a napkin
Christopher says:
i'm afraid not
Eryn says:
damn that george coombs, he promised me it was legit
Eryn says:
do you have toast sitting next to you?
Christopher says:
i wish, i would nibble on it's crispy yet tender sides of deliciousness
Christopher says:
for some reason i pictured a giant piece of toast sitting next to me........
Eryn says:
we can't handle talking to you anymore we're laughing to hard to type
Eryn says:
i can't breathe
Christopher says:
now i wish there was a giant piece of toast here next to me, dripping its buttery cinnamin goodness all over the floor......mmmmmmmm
Eryn says:
you'd probably lick the cinnamon off the floor wouldn't you?
Christopher says:
i'd use parts of the giant piece of toast to sop it up off the floor, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm floor toast
Eryn says:
five second rule
Eryn says:
Lassie get help, Heather's fallen down the well of her own tears of laughter!
Christopher says:
now you guys got me all hungry
Eryn says:
do you have a craving for.......... toast....... monster size toast?
Christopher says:
i really do wish there was giant piece of toast standing right next to me
Eryn says:
what would it's name be?
Christopher says:
i'd proabably eat some of it now, and then let it follow me to bed so i could snack on it during the night
Christopher says:
i'd name it Toasty
Eryn says:
instead of sucking your thumb you'd be chewing toast in your sleep?!
Christopher says:
probably clear up that nasty drooling problem, waking up like i just fell asleep in a puddle isn't fun
Eryn says:
ummm appealing
Christopher says:
i'm a real catch
Eryn says:
turns Toasty on!
Eryn says:
you're so alike, he leaces a nice cinnamon trail behind...and you leave a saliva trail
Christopher says:
thanks.............thanks for making out to be a basically a giant slug
Eryn says:
we're convulsing with laughter......and yes you are, a well dressed one though
Eryn says:
my face hurts
Christopher says:
thanks at least i'm well dressed.......
Eryn says:
you're a very lovable slug
Eryn says:
...who eats toast named Toasty
Christopher says:
you guys are making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.....................and no that has nothing to do with the fact that as a slug i'm all squishy inside and is apprantly full of toast
Eryn says:
that's what we're here for, we got you're back!
Christopher says: comes that warm and fuzzy feeling again
Eryn says:
Eryn winks:
Play "Heart"
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
all that for one damn smiley!
Eryn says:
we're going to bed in disgust!!
Christopher says:
i was called an "asshole" by a belligerent goose for god sakes.............and i didn't nothing
Eryn says:
and "you didn't nothing"?? for the love of god, man what does that mean?!!!!!!
Christopher says:
Toasty's dripping everywhere for crying out loud
Eryn says:
tell him to stop or you'll tell your parents
Christopher says:
i'm just gonna gobble him up, and be done with it..............damn you toasty and deliciousness
Eryn says:
we need to stop to talking to you and go to bed before our ribs crack open and we die a horriable death of laughter and blood.... lots of blood.....everywhere
Christopher says:
wow.......ummmm thats quite the picture you painted for i really can't wait to go eat........and of course try and have pleasant dreams..........thanks......
Eryn says:
you're welcome, anytime
Eryn says:
anytime you need a little pick me up you know where to come
Eryn says:
now go enjoy Toasty and let us be away to bed
Christopher says:
sounds like a plan
Eryn says:
goodnight our well dressed slug, we'll miss you
Christopher says:
ha.......ha......another nick name........
Eryn says:
you just keep walking into these things it's not our fault, really
Christopher says:
mmmhhhmmm sure thing.................Goose
Eryn says:
thanks, i think geese are cool
Eryn says:
honk honk!!
Christopher says:
i'm just shaking my head
Eryn says:
that back fired a little on you didn't it?
Christopher says:
...............well i think slugs are......ummm cool, you know..........oozing shit out there backside
Eryn says:
does that mean you're full of shit?!
Eryn says:
oozing shit?
Christopher says:
alright you know its bedtime isn't it
Eryn says:
i think so
Christopher says:
silly girls
Eryn says:
brilliant idea my friend!
Eryn says:
brilliant i tell ya
Christopher says:
i would concur with that
Eryn says:
ok then, we'll chat with you later chap
Christopher says:
perhaps over a spot of tea
Eryn says:
and crumpets....maybe a scone or two
Christopher says:
toasty says he knows some that can come
Eryn says:
I thought you already dealt with him, how is he still talking with you?
Christopher says:
it's a giant piece of toast............these things take time
Eryn says:
eat faster for the love of god!
Eryn says:
ok we need to say goodnight now, or this is never gonna end
Christopher says:
i agree
Eryn says:
ok so on three....
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
Eryn says:
good night!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher says:
goodnight eryn and heather
yes yes i am... hee hee, eryn just went to get changed she'll be right back
Christopher says:
haha, lets pretend weer talking about her
Eryn says:
ok .. here she comes
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
i'm gonna whisper
Eryn says:
you asshole
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
no ...... the goose has landed
Eryn says:
damn it chris post a comment on our blog.... please!!!
Christopher says:
i'm so confused.......
Christopher says:
am i talking to a goose?
Eryn says:
it's still heather
Eryn says:
but a wasn't the one that called you an asshole that was the goose
Christopher says:
eryn has a talking goose!, thats amazing
Eryn says:
Eryn says:
eryn's laughing so hard she's crying adn she needs to sit on her bum
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
sorry she said ball not bum
Christopher says:
haha, well both make good sense
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
sounds like you guys have the giggles
Eryn says:
that we do my friend that we do... muh haha... shhhh shut the fuck up bag
Christopher says:
is there a bag giving you some sass?
Eryn says:
there was but we've rectified the siteeeeation, ye'haw
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
you know even though i'm not there i have this picture of eryn laughing and crying while she bounces on her excercise ball, heather trying to shut up this bag of hers and some goose running around calling everyone an asshole.....................are you guys on acid
Eryn says:
no but we feel like it.... and to clarify teh siteeeation, eryn is the one trying to shut the bag up, and the "goose" was a code word for eryn coming back into the room so she wouldn;t know we were talking about her.......
Eryn says:
well maybe we're on acid
Christopher says:
haha, the cheap shit too
Eryn says:
you got that right
Eryn says:
that's all we can afford after student loans
Christopher says:
i hear ya, whenever i get to meet my student loan......i'm gonna punch it in the face
Eryn says:
could you maybe kick in the junk for us
Christopher says:
with pleasure
Eryn says:
Christopher says:
well i think i'm gonna call it a night, and head to bed
Eryn says:
well ok then abandon us
Christopher says:
i'd love to stay and chat, but i took a bunch of muscle relaxants and i'm feeling really sleepy cause there starting to kick in
Eryn says:
and we're the ones on drugs?!
Christopher says:
i got a recipt when i bought miine......can you say the same, haha
Eryn says:
ummm......... we got one from eryn's dad does that count?
Eryn says:
it was written on a napkin
Christopher says:
i'm afraid not
Eryn says:
damn that george coombs, he promised me it was legit
Eryn says:
do you have toast sitting next to you?
Christopher says:
i wish, i would nibble on it's crispy yet tender sides of deliciousness
Christopher says:
for some reason i pictured a giant piece of toast sitting next to me........
Eryn says:
we can't handle talking to you anymore we're laughing to hard to type
Eryn says:
i can't breathe
Christopher says:
now i wish there was a giant piece of toast here next to me, dripping its buttery cinnamin goodness all over the floor......mmmmmmmm
Eryn says:
you'd probably lick the cinnamon off the floor wouldn't you?
Christopher says:
i'd use parts of the giant piece of toast to sop it up off the floor, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm floor toast
Eryn says:
five second rule
Eryn says:
Lassie get help, Heather's fallen down the well of her own tears of laughter!
Christopher says:
now you guys got me all hungry
Eryn says:
do you have a craving for.......... toast....... monster size toast?
Christopher says:
i really do wish there was giant piece of toast standing right next to me
Eryn says:
what would it's name be?
Christopher says:
i'd proabably eat some of it now, and then let it follow me to bed so i could snack on it during the night
Christopher says:
i'd name it Toasty
Eryn says:
instead of sucking your thumb you'd be chewing toast in your sleep?!
Christopher says:
probably clear up that nasty drooling problem, waking up like i just fell asleep in a puddle isn't fun
Eryn says:
ummm appealing
Christopher says:
i'm a real catch
Eryn says:
turns Toasty on!
Eryn says:
you're so alike, he leaces a nice cinnamon trail behind...and you leave a saliva trail
Christopher says:
thanks.............thanks for making out to be a basically a giant slug
Eryn says:
we're convulsing with laughter......and yes you are, a well dressed one though
Eryn says:
my face hurts
Christopher says:
thanks at least i'm well dressed.......
Eryn says:
you're a very lovable slug
Eryn says:
...who eats toast named Toasty
Christopher says:
you guys are making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.....................and no that has nothing to do with the fact that as a slug i'm all squishy inside and is apprantly full of toast
Eryn says:
that's what we're here for, we got you're back!
Christopher says: comes that warm and fuzzy feeling again
Eryn says:
Eryn winks:
Play "Heart"
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
all that for one damn smiley!
Eryn says:
we're going to bed in disgust!!
Christopher says:
i was called an "asshole" by a belligerent goose for god sakes.............and i didn't nothing
Eryn says:
and "you didn't nothing"?? for the love of god, man what does that mean?!!!!!!
Christopher says:
Toasty's dripping everywhere for crying out loud
Eryn says:
tell him to stop or you'll tell your parents
Christopher says:
i'm just gonna gobble him up, and be done with it..............damn you toasty and deliciousness
Eryn says:
we need to stop to talking to you and go to bed before our ribs crack open and we die a horriable death of laughter and blood.... lots of blood.....everywhere
Christopher says:
wow.......ummmm thats quite the picture you painted for i really can't wait to go eat........and of course try and have pleasant dreams..........thanks......
Eryn says:
you're welcome, anytime
Eryn says:
anytime you need a little pick me up you know where to come
Eryn says:
now go enjoy Toasty and let us be away to bed
Christopher says:
sounds like a plan
Eryn says:
goodnight our well dressed slug, we'll miss you
Christopher says:
ha.......ha......another nick name........
Eryn says:
you just keep walking into these things it's not our fault, really
Christopher says:
mmmhhhmmm sure thing.................Goose
Eryn says:
thanks, i think geese are cool
Eryn says:
honk honk!!
Christopher says:
i'm just shaking my head
Eryn says:
that back fired a little on you didn't it?
Christopher says:
...............well i think slugs are......ummm cool, you know..........oozing shit out there backside
Eryn says:
does that mean you're full of shit?!
Eryn says:
oozing shit?
Christopher says:
alright you know its bedtime isn't it
Eryn says:
i think so
Christopher says:
silly girls
Eryn says:
brilliant idea my friend!
Eryn says:
brilliant i tell ya
Christopher says:
i would concur with that
Eryn says:
ok then, we'll chat with you later chap
Christopher says:
perhaps over a spot of tea
Eryn says:
and crumpets....maybe a scone or two
Christopher says:
toasty says he knows some that can come
Eryn says:
I thought you already dealt with him, how is he still talking with you?
Christopher says:
it's a giant piece of toast............these things take time
Eryn says:
eat faster for the love of god!
Eryn says:
ok we need to say goodnight now, or this is never gonna end
Christopher says:
i agree
Eryn says:
ok so on three....
Christopher says:
Eryn says:
Eryn says:
good night!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher says:
goodnight eryn and heather
Walmarts Pimp and Extreme Disappointment in PEI
Okay so, we went to Amherst the other night to go to Walmart, and what did we see upon entering through the doors? The Walmart greeter.....who happened to resemble an old school seventies pimp, complete with blazer, open shirt to show off his disgusting manly chest hair, and yes folks....he did have an enormous fake diamond stud earring. So huge in fact you couldn't even see his earlobe. Actually picture a bouncer at club 54, and you've got this man. When the club closed down he had no other career options so he became the skidgy Walmart greeter, and yes he did the hey girls nod.......soooooo creepy.
And then, we planned this whole trip to PEI to visit with friends but also because Two Hours Traffic was supposedly playing at Hunters on tuesday. Apparently though, they changed the date of the show to Friday....and of course we couldn't stay on the Island until Friday........damn THT!!! But it turned out to be a cool night anyway, we got to hang out with friends and hear some other band play.....and everyone kinda got drunk......but not as much as Candace, haha, luv you mom. Especially when she was going on and on about some guy when we got back to Tiyanna's.......and we had to hide in the shower in the bathroom to get away from her talk. And by the way, Tiyanna's shower doesn't drain very well so our feet got completely soaked. And then Candace came in and after we had all gone upstairs to bed and told us of how she was just sick, and then passed out on the end of Heather's mattress, as Heather said,"she's like a cat". Except that during the night she climbed up and started to try to snuggle with Heather which ended up in Heather getting really creeped out and pissed off to the point of getting out of bed at six thirty and going to watch tv. We totally should have left Tony's mattress downstairs instead of dragging it all through the house and almost killing ourselves on the stairs, yeah thanks Tiyanna for making me go first as the lifter by the way...and yes we have it all on video tape, we're such idiots. So Heather didn't get any use out of the mattress, and had to deal with Candace breathing on her neck most of the night. So we're bitching a lot but we really did in fact have a great time hanging out with everyone again...Tristan you are the cutest boy ever.....and Paul is my hero. And if anyone happens to be at the school, you should check out Candace and my's kick ass dragon picture on teh chalk board in the hallway, disgraceful first years who never use it...we roll our eyes and shake our heads in disgust at you slackers.........woah what reeks?!.....oh crap
And then, we planned this whole trip to PEI to visit with friends but also because Two Hours Traffic was supposedly playing at Hunters on tuesday. Apparently though, they changed the date of the show to Friday....and of course we couldn't stay on the Island until Friday........damn THT!!! But it turned out to be a cool night anyway, we got to hang out with friends and hear some other band play.....and everyone kinda got drunk......but not as much as Candace, haha, luv you mom. Especially when she was going on and on about some guy when we got back to Tiyanna's.......and we had to hide in the shower in the bathroom to get away from her talk. And by the way, Tiyanna's shower doesn't drain very well so our feet got completely soaked. And then Candace came in and after we had all gone upstairs to bed and told us of how she was just sick, and then passed out on the end of Heather's mattress, as Heather said,"she's like a cat". Except that during the night she climbed up and started to try to snuggle with Heather which ended up in Heather getting really creeped out and pissed off to the point of getting out of bed at six thirty and going to watch tv. We totally should have left Tony's mattress downstairs instead of dragging it all through the house and almost killing ourselves on the stairs, yeah thanks Tiyanna for making me go first as the lifter by the way...and yes we have it all on video tape, we're such idiots. So Heather didn't get any use out of the mattress, and had to deal with Candace breathing on her neck most of the night. So we're bitching a lot but we really did in fact have a great time hanging out with everyone again...Tristan you are the cutest boy ever.....and Paul is my hero. And if anyone happens to be at the school, you should check out Candace and my's kick ass dragon picture on teh chalk board in the hallway, disgraceful first years who never use it...we roll our eyes and shake our heads in disgust at you slackers.........woah what reeks?!.....oh crap
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Confessions of a Drunken Groupie, And One High on Rockstar
Can I go nowhere with you? Wanna go to Zellers? Okay. Liam from Two Hours Traffic needs to lean over and say "skidgy skidgy skidgy". I like fourteen year olds with braces. I see the ski hill, we should stop here and go through the woods to it. I'll just climb a tree every now and then and make sure we're in the right direction. Maybe we could just ride some deer to the ski lodge, they'll know the way. We're going to see Two Hours Traffic.Woo, woo, woo, WOOOOO! We're totally gonna get lost. I can't find the hole to my Rockstar. There's a sketchy man whose eyes went in polar opposite directions, he talked to me, I feel creepy. Don't touch anything, let's just get the hell out of here. Lock the doors, lock the doors! People really shouldn't shoot dirty looks when they see you changing your shirt in the a parking lot. We need a video camera in the car........and our own radio show......where we can talk about the idea of having our own radio show. Joel Plaskett was there....but he's shorter and wait, someone just stole his jacket...Nnnoooooo! No more buying jackets, jackets are bad. You are to jackets as I am to shoes. Lets devote a room in our house to Two Hours Traffic.....and one to hello kitty. And skulls. Walkin by a stoner "Hey how are you ladies tonight?" Good.....just keep walking. Mad search for the only PEI liscense plate in a parking lot full of a needle in a haystack. Wanna caffeine high? Just inject in your eyeballs. What do you think those truckers are doing? Poking. Is this the old road? Looks pretty old to me, got a few holes and patches. Hey there's the store! Now where's the park? Remember to hold the flusher down for a while. We need to go to Needs.......for slushes....Sackville needs a Needs. Don't laugh I'm gonna try to put it in. He's touchy. Just ask him where the bathroom is. No. Just do it. You know where the old road and the new road meet? You take the old road. Ssshh....shut the hell up bag. How come every time we're creepy the Beatles are randomly playing somewhere? I wish Justin Timberlake would stop stalking us with his sexy back. There's a lot of flies in here...1234567...and a million over there. There's two in a glass of pop I had last night. Alec pointed at us...we got "the look" from Derrick and Liam....nothing like magnets on a van......we're like this, crosses fingers......mmmmmm......yeah
Friday, March 9, 2007
Reasons why i love Halifax
So I'm back in Halifax again, just can't seem to stay away. Was shopping with Chris yersterday and was into a music store. While looking for a copy of Ruth Minnikin's new album (which seems to have disappeared off the face of the universe) I found a copy of the new Mars Hill album, glorious. Never in a million years would I have found that anywhere else, and that is why I love Halifax. For it's great musical tastes :) And now I have wonderfully good new music to play at the cafe again. But I'm still in search of Ruth.......damn it where are you?!
Monday, March 5, 2007
The Week From Hell
Since this was the week from hell, we'd thought we'd honour it with a little photo of know we love you
Yes I did slack on my posting job
So anyway, the week turned out to be super fun in general. I must say though that the highlight of the trip was showing up to the Mercury on our last events night to see Two Hours Traffic and running into an old friend.....yeah thats right Tony effin Dawe himself, lol. Was a total coincidence (no effin idea how to spell that)and definetly made our night, although Tony didn't show up for the post awards show like he promised for the next night, tsk tsk. And the awards show? Effin amazing!! Didn't sleep much though, Grant wouldn't shut up, spent almost all night chattin with him and Dave in the hotel room after, haha the suckers had to get up and catch the plane for five thirty when we got to sleep in. Actually not even sure that they went to sleep at all that night. And then when we checked out in the morning, yes we went and bought more music, but it's not our fault that you people let us go out on our own without adult supervision!! And we sort of kept each other in control,we only went ten dollars over our hundred dollar limit on music, hee hee. And then came the sadness when Heather and I parted ways at the Starbucks to head back to our homes....and so the ECMA's ended with mixed feelings........and then we Max Tracked it out of there!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
ECMA Day 2-Continued
Okay, this morning we got up really early because we thought that we would have to start photographing really early.....but not so....we spent all morning and most of the afternoon waiting around for Grant to tell us what the hell we were supposed to be doing. Heather was so bored she said, and I quote, "If I had a gun right now, I'd shoot myself". I agreed. Plus someone ddin't get enough sleep cause I kind of snored really loud last night, hee hee. I think I have sleep apnia, cause my throat was all funny feeling. At least we got to have lunch today, went to some medditerranean restaurant, where the waitress had no idea what we were telling her, and messed up Grants order, haha. But at least the food tasted good and grant paid. But we think that heather may have had an allergic reaction to it. We spent most of the evening at the Casino photographing bands, and heather had to walk like ten minutes through the pedways just to get some effin Benydril, which made her act very strange. i think she actually went insane for a period of time. but it was all made better by being able to see Lennie Gallant at the Roots room, hearing the old familiar songs of last year. But damn those lighting crews that make our life as photographers a living hell!! And make Lennie look like a freakin racoon! And then we spent the rest of the night running around trying to take photos at the clubs around the city but kept running into lighting problems, like the first place which had no lights, and the second they blew a fuse and couldn't get the show lights running again. Plus it took us forever and a day to get a parking place close to the bars, I wanted to just give up. The thing that saved our evening was when Gord Johnson showed up at the SoHo, and actually said hello to us, very surreal but glorious. And then we got to have pastries and tea/coffee back at the hotel to round out our day. A very nice way to end another stressful day, hope tomorrow is much better................please don't litter!!
Friday, February 16, 2007
ECMA Day 2- In the beginning
Alright, after our last posting of the night, we did something a little bit ridiculous. we're stting here in our hotel room and here the elevator so we look out and who else would it be but our good friend Dan dropping of his cards to be downloaded to Dave. So I run out to talk with him and heather runs out behind me, and yes thas right the door closes and we realize we have no room keys with us, big smile. So we have to go down to the ddesk and see if we can get a key back into our room, the man asks if we have any ID on us. We're in our effin pj's, no we don't have ID!! Anyway we get back in regardless. And get a good nights sleep, although it was short. But the day has started off wonderfully with our room service breakfast, they have cute little trays. was so nice, and our server was very polite. So now we're sitting here listening to gord Sampson and writing this. And soon we'll shower and go hunt down grant for some assignments today, oh boy what fun. One last comment before we go though......if the hotel is not going to prvide a comforter on your bed they should let you know so that you can come prepared with one of your own! or give you more sheets for your bed, effin cold! have to have at least one little rant in every posting or it just wouldn't be's the new grip smell!!!!!
ECMA Day 1- Continued
So the day didn't turn out to be entirely horrible, we finally got to go to teh Tribeca and photograph the music of Nova Scotia, and it turned out to be a really great time with some really great acts. It made us feel good, so good in fact that when we got back to the hotel, we went on a stealth mission, seaking through the halls to Grant's room. And slipping anonymous notes to Dave under the door stating "DAVE, Open the DOOR", but alas the door remained un-opened. So we ran back to our room and proceeded to giggle like the little school girls that we are. And becuase we're over tired. Can't wait to get up at seven in the morning, it being almost two in the morning now, lol. Poor dan is probably still out in the field photographing, sucker. The only bad part about this evening was when our ears almost starting bleeding at the performance of Old man Ludecke...yodelling sould be outlawed....along with the banjo, and now it's off to pass out on our beds amongst all the crap from our delegates bags that we dumped out earlier and are to lazy to move..................Mother Tucker's!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
ECMA Day 1-The day from hell
Okay so the first thing annoying thing to start off our wonderful day was the fact that we had to pack all our shit up and move it to a new hotel, we packed waaayyy too much to be dragging that around up and down three floors, Thank god for the valet service at the new hotel. Then we decided to head out to the Halifax shopping Centre to figure out where the effin place was so that we could cover a performance out there and the effin lady at the hotel gave us wrong directions and we almost ended up at the bridge to Dartmouth. And to round off our morning, Heather went downtown to take out money at CIBC to help pay for the hotel and like the retards that we are we walked right past it and went into the Scotia Square and walked in a complete circle on the effin pedways to get to the bank, and only when we reached the bank did we notice that the car was parked right outside the window, grrr. And then she couldn't get the money out and had to call her parents, call the company, and go into the teller to find out that she had to go to a different bank, what a mess. So we just said eff-it and went to the hotel. So, we get to the new hotel and heaven forbid there would be parking and make it easy on us. So we go into this pay to park place and I get out and have to go to this machine which i can't figure out to pay for the parking. We walk across to the hotel and find out that, apparently they have valet parking underneath the hotel, so I payed 2.50 for parking we didn't even need and when we drive out of the parking place to take the car to the hotel, you didn't even need to pay cause the effin arm went up as soon as we got close, so i really payed for nothing, soo mad. And as soon as we walk back into the hotel with our stress levels are maxed there is our boss sitting in the lobby, what fun. So we get into our amazing rooms and go to visit Grant to see what the hell we have to start to cover and we get our assignments, everything is cool. Until we get to the venue and realize that the brochure of events says it's at the hotel across the street, so out in the cold we go again, to find out that no really it's at the hotel we were just at, so again across the street in the effin cold and wind. And who else would be there when we arrive but Lennie Freakin Gallant, He's everywhere!!!!!! So after this event we go to pick up our shitty delegates bags and I almost punch out the stupid effin volunteers cause they don't listen to what i tell them, but we do get our bags and passes. And the assholes of the event committee give us "volunteer" passes that say official event photographer, wtf??!!! Doesn't make any sense, we should have all access passes, can't wait for someone to deny us entrance to an event, I'll just knock them out. And everyone is shunnning us for them. Plus I lost my hotel key, on the first friggin day!!!!! We come back to the hotel and get that sorted out and then go to grants room again to download images but instead we find a note on the door that say " Heather+Eryn We are downstairs @ east Side Marios" the assholes went to eat without us!! And when we get down there instead of asking if we want to eat something Grant sends us out to some venue to shoot. and by the time we get there it's almost over!! So we come back and go down to get soemthing to eat ourselves and come to find out, heather's card no longer works so we have no money, ugh. So grant paid for supper even though he doesn't know yet......we charged it to the room,lol. And so we get ready and head out to our second event which Grant told us was at the Seahorse Tavern @7, soo we walked up four blocks in the wind, got hit on twice by an old creepy street man, and the event wasn't even there, it at the Tribeca tonight @9. So on our way back to the hotel we stopped at the Tribeca to make sure it was there. And SO FAR, great enphasis there, that is our tale of unfortunate events today. The only redeeming part of the day was when we were coming back across the pedway ffrom the Delta Barrington, the bass player of Two Hours Traffic, Andrew?, actually acknowleged us and said hello, the one nice person of our day. So thank you Andrew, cause otherwise we would be hiding out in our hotel room wanting to go home right now. To be continued.............PIRATES!!!!!
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